weather n. 1.天气,气候;暴风雨(天气)。 2.(某种)时候;处境;状况。 broken weather 不正常的天气。 dirty [rough] weather 狂风暴雨的天气。 seasonable weather 良好的天气。 merry weather 快乐的时候。 a fair weather friend 酒肉朋友。 April weather 乍晴乍雨的四月天气;(阴晴无定的)四月天气。 dance and sing all weathers 随风转舵,顺应时势。 in all weathers 不论晴雨。 in fair weather or foul 不论天气好坏。 keep the weather 【航海】战胜[度过]暴风雨;控制局势。 make bad weather 【航海】遇到暴风雨[恶劣天气]。 make fair weather 谄媚,拍马屁。 make good weather 【航海】遇到好天气;操纵自如。 make heavy weather 遇到暴风雨[恶劣天气];难于操纵;感到难于应付。 make heavy weather of 碰到…的灾难。 under stress of weather 因暴风雨,碰到恶劣天气。 under the weather 〔俚语〕 1. 有病,不舒服。 2. 经济困难。 3. 喝醉了酒。 weather permitting 天气良好时。 vt. 1.使暴露在风雨中;通风,晾干,吹干。 2.【地质学;地理学】〔常用被动语态〕使风化。 3.使(屋顶等)成泻水斜面。 4.【航海】战胜[度过]暴风雨;〔比喻〕冲过,度过,捱过,熬过。 weather a point 【航海】向风行驶。 weather a storm 战胜暴风雨;度过难关。 weather storms together 同舟共济;共同克服困难[度过难关]。 weather a financial crisis 度过经济危机。 vi. 1.因天气受损伤,因天气发生变化,风化。 2.经受风雨 (out)。 weather in (飞机)因天气恶劣而停航;(机场)因天气恶劣而关闭。 weather out 1. 因天气坏而未能进入(某处)。 2. 因天气坏而取消(飞行等)。 -ing 1.【地质学;地理学】风化。 2.【建筑】泻水(斜面) (weathering test 耐候性试验,老化试验)。 vt. -ize 〔美国〕为(房屋)装新型绝缘材料(以代替空调和暖气的部份功能),使(房屋)更能避寒暑。 adj. -ly 【航海】能驶向上风的。
Influence of adverse weather on vehicle trip at freeway 恶劣气候对高速公路车辆出行的影响
Protect plants from adverse weather , pests and diseases 保护植物免受恶劣天气影响及病虫害侵袭
Mining safety problems under adverse weather conditions in plateau area 浅淡高原恶劣气候条件的采矿安全问题
All fee paid is non - refundable , except the closure of site due to adverse weather 费用一经缴交,除因天气或其他原因引致本会的场地关闭外,一概不会发还。
More than 470 flights were delayed or cancelled in adverse weather and about 80000 passengers were affected 超过470多班航机遭延误或取消,共80000多名乘客受影响。
It issues aerodrome warnings on adverse weather for protection of aerodrome facilities and aircraft on the ground 气象所会就恶劣天气发出警告,以保障机场设施及停泊飞机的安全。
More than 470 flights were delayed or cancelled in adverse weather and about 80 000 passengers were affected 超过470多班航机在恶劣天气下延误或被迫取消,共80000多名乘客受影响。
They should be made of durable materials and be able to withstand adverse weather conditions and frequent usage by visitors 应以耐用物料制造,可抵受不同气候变化及可供参观者频密使用。
Some safety gear is also included to avoid mishaps on steep , slippery slopes or in adverse weather conditions ,环保署人员也配备了安全装置,以免工作人员行经陡斜或湿滑山路时或在恶劣天气下遇到危险。
Apart from unprecedented accuracy , the gps wind - finding system is less affected by adverse weather such as lightning and thunderstorms 这套gps测风系统的准确度极高,兼且不易受闪电及雷暴等恶劣天气影响。